Abstract Data Types


In computer science, an Abstract Data Type (ADT) serves as a mathematical model for data types, defining behavior (semantics) from the user's perspective. This includes possible values, operations, and the behavior of these operations. Unlike data structures, which represent concrete implementations, ADTs focus on abstraction, separating concerns between users and implementers.

Theoretical Foundation

ADTs are theoretical concepts used in formal semantics, program verification, algorithm design, and software system analysis. Mainstream computer languages don't directly support ADT specifications, but various language features align with implementing ADTs, such as abstract types, opaque data types, protocols, and design by contract.

Relation to Data Abstraction

The notion of abstract data types is closely related to data abstraction, a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming and design by contract methodologies in software engineering.


ADTs were introduced by Barbara Liskov and Stephen N. Zilles in 1974 during the development of the CLU language. Around 1980, algebraic specification, nearly synonymous with ADTs, was a significant subject of research in computer science with a foundation in universal algebra.


An Abstract Data Type (ADT) is like a mathematical concept, similar to an algebraic structure. Think of it as having three main parts: a domain, a set of operations, and rules that these operations must follow. The domain, even though it's usually not explicitly defined, stands for the free object over the set of ADT operations.

Formally, an Abstract Data Type (ADT) mirrors an algebraic structure in mathematics. It comprises a domain, a set of operations, and a set of constraints governing these operations.

The domain, often implicitly defined, represents the free object over the set of ADT operations. The ADT interface mainly refers to the domain and operations, with some constraints like pre-conditions and post-conditions, but not relations between operations. Two primary styles of formal specifications for behavior are axiomatic semantics and operational semantics.

Axiomatic Semantics: Functional Harmony

In the world of functional programming, each state of an abstract data structure stands alone, like a distinct mathematical entity. Operations act as mathematical functions devoid of side effects. The order of evaluation is inconsequential, and the same operation with the same arguments consistently yields the same results. Constraints are expressed as axioms or algebraic laws.

Operational Semantics: The Dance of Mutability

In imperative programming, an abstract data structure is mutable, subject to the passage of time. Operations alter the state of the ADT over time, where the order of evaluation matters. The same operation on the same entities might produce different outcomes at different times. Think of it as the unfolding of instructions or commands in an imperative language. Constraints are often conveyed in prose, woven into the narrative of state changes.

Despite not being part of the interface, constraints play a crucial role in defining the ADT. For instance, a stack and a queue share similar add and remove interfaces, but constraints distinguish last-in-first-out from first-in-first-out behavior. These constraints go beyond equations, encompassing logical formulas.

Importance of Constraints

Constraints are crucial to ADT definitions. For example, a stack and a queue have similar add element/remove element interfaces, but constraints distinguish last-in-first-out from first-in-first-out behavior.

Auxiliary Operations for Abstract Data Types (ADTs)

While conventional presentations of Abstract Data Types (ADTs) often focus on fundamental operations, a thorough understanding requires delving into auxiliary operations that enhance the versatility of ADTs.

Key Auxiliary Operations:

Additional Operations in Imperative-style ADT Definitions:

The free operation, while seemingly irrelevant to ADTs as theoretical constructs without inherent memory usage, gains significance when analyzing the storage impact of algorithms using the ADT. In such cases, additional axioms become imperative to specify the memory footprint of each ADT instance relative to its state and to articulate the amount of memory returned to the pool by the free operation.

Presentations of ADTs are often focused on key operations. Thorough presentations specify auxiliary operations that enhance the versatility of ADTs:

Restricted Types

ADT definitions may restrict stored values to a specific set X called the range of those variables. For example, an abstract variable may be constrained to store only integers. These restrictions simplify algorithm descriptions and improve readability.


In the operational style, handling multiple instances and potential modifications across instances is unclear. Some ADT definitions assume a single instance, simplifying operations. However, ADTs can be extended to admit multiple instances with explicit parameters in each operation. Aliasing axioms ensure distinctness of instances and may exclude partial aliasing with other instances.

Multiple Instance Style

This style assumes that only one instance exists during the execution of the algorithm, and operations are applied to that instance. For example, a stack may have operations push(x) and pop() , operating on the only existing stack. This style can be extended to admit multiple coexisting instances by adding an explicit instance parameter to each operation.

Aliasing Axiom

The aliasing axiom asserts that the result of create() is distinct from any instance already in use by the algorithm. Implementations may reuse memory, allowing create() to yield a previously created instance. Defining such an instance as "reused" is challenging in the ADT formalism.

Generalized Aliasing Axiom

This strengthened axiom may exclude partial aliasing with other instances, assuming complete disjointness. For instance, operations on a field F of a record variable R involve F , distinct from but also part of R . A partial aliasing axiom would state that changing a field of one record variable does not affect any other records.

Abstract Data Types: Bridging Theory and Implementation

Abstract data types (ADTs) serve as theoretical constructs in computer science, streamlining the description of abstract algorithms, facilitating the classification and evaluation of data structures, and providing a formal description of programming language type systems. While ADTs exist in theory, they find practical implementation.

Practical implementation involves representing each ADT instance or state with a concrete data type or structure. For every abstract operation, a corresponding procedure or function is implemented, satisfying the ADT's specifications and axioms up to a defined standard. In practice, implementations are not perfect, and users must be aware of issues arising from representation and implemented procedures.

Example: Integers as an ADT

Consider integers specified as an ADT, defined by values like 0 and 1 and operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division (with care for division by zero), and comparison. These operations adhere to familiar mathematical axioms. However, in a computer, integers are commonly represented as fixed-width 32-bit or 64-bit binary numbers, introducing concerns like arithmetic overflow.

Despite these representation challenges, users often ignore these intricacies for practical purposes and treat the implementation as if it were the abstract data type.

Flexibility in Implementation

Multiple implementations are possible for the same ADT, utilizing various concrete data structures. For instance, an abstract stack can be implemented using a linked list or an array. Different implementations with the same properties are considered semantically equivalent, offering interchangeability in code usage. This flexibility provides abstraction and encapsulation, allowing for increased efficiency in different scenarios.

Code written to interact with an ADT according to its interface remains robust, even with changes to the underlying implementation. This showcases the power of abstraction in creating adaptable and maintainable code.

Encapsulation through Opaque Data Types

To prevent clients from depending on the implementation details, ADTs are often packaged as opaque data types or handles within modules. The interface exposes only the signature of operations, concealing the concrete implementation. This encapsulation enables changes to the implementation without affecting clients. Exposing the implementation is termed a transparent data type.

Modern object-oriented languages like C++ and Java support ADTs through classes. An ADT is typically implemented as a class, with instances as objects of that class. The module's interface declares constructors as ordinary procedures and most other ADT operations as methods of that class. While this aligns with object-oriented principles, it may struggle to encapsulate multiple representational variants within an ADT and can potentially undermine the extensibility of object-oriented programs.

Built-in ADTs in Programming Languages

Some programming languages intentionally leave the representation of built-in data types vague, defining only permissible operations. These types can be viewed as "built-in ADTs." Examples include arrays in scripting languages like Awk, Lua, and Perl, which can be regarded as implementations of the abstract list.

Formal Specification and Axiomatic Definitions

In formal specification languages, ADTs can be defined axiomatically, allowing manipulation of ADT values within the language. The OBJ family of programming languages, for instance, allows defining equations for specification and rewriting to execute them. While convenient, automatic implementations defined in this manner may not always match the efficiency of dedicated implementations.

Collections in Computer Programming

In computer programming, a collection refers to a grouping of a variable number of data items, possibly zero, that share significance to the problem at hand and need to be operated upon together in a controlled fashion. Collections are applicable to abstract data types and do not prescribe a specific implementation as a concrete data structure. Examples of collections include lists, sets, multisets, trees, and graphs. Fixed-size arrays (or tables) are typically not considered collections as they hold a fixed number of data items, while variable-size arrays are generally considered collections.

Linear Collections

Many collections define a linear ordering with access to one or both ends. The underlying data structure need not be linear; for example, a priority queue is often implemented as a heap, which is a tree structure. Important linear collections include lists, stacks, queues, priority queues, double-ended queues, and double-ended priority queues.


In a list, the order of data items is significant, and duplicate items are permitted. Operations on lists include searching, determining locations, removing, and adding data items. Lists may specialize into queues (FIFO) or stacks (LIFO) based on principal operations.


A stack is a Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) data structure with push and pop operations.


A queue is a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) data structure.

Priority Queues

In a priority queue, the minimum or maximum data item is tracked based on an ordering criterion, and the order of other data items does not matter.

Double-ended Queues

Double-ended queues support operations at both ends.

Double-ended Priority Queues

Similar to double-ended queues but with priority considerations.

Associative Collections

Some collections can be interpreted as functions, yielding an output given an input. Important associative collections include sets, multisets, and associative arrays.


In a set, the order of data items does not matter, and duplicates are not permitted. Operations include addition, removal, and searching.


Similar to sets, but duplicates are allowed. Operations include addition, removal, and counting duplicates.

Associative Arrays

Associative arrays provide a value given a key (like a dictionary). Efficiently implemented using hash tables.


In a graph, data items have associations with one or more other data items without a root or parent-child relationship. Operations include traversals and searches. Graphs are used to model real-world situations and solve related problems.


Trees are a special kind of graph with a root and parent-child relationships. Operations include addition, sorting, and traversals.

Abstract Concept vs. Implementation

Collections, such as lists, sets, and trees, are abstract concepts with various implementations in programming languages. Assertions about them being data structures, abstract data types, or classes should be interpreted with a focus on their abstract nature. Collections retain links to mathematical concepts, often lost when emphasizing the implementation details. For example, a priority queue may be implemented as a heap, and an associative array as a hash table, but these are implementations rather than strict definitions.

Introduction to list

In computer science, a list or sequence is an abstract data type representing a finite number of ordered values, where the same value may occur more than once. A list is a computer representation of the mathematical concept of a tuple or finite sequence, with its potentially infinite analog being a stream. Lists are fundamental examples of containers, containing other values, and each occurrence of the same value is considered a distinct item.

Implementation Structures

The term "list" is used for concrete data structures, including linked lists and arrays, that implement abstract lists. In some programming contexts, such as Lisp, "list" specifically refers to a linked list rather than an array. In class-based programming, lists are usually provided as instances of subclasses of a generic "list" class and traversed via separate iterators.


Various operations can be performed on the list data structure, including:


Lists are typically implemented as linked lists (singly or doubly linked) or arrays, usually variable-length or dynamic arrays. The standard implementation, originating from Lisp, involves each element containing both its value and a pointer indicating the location of the next element in the list, resulting in either a linked list or a tree. Lists can also be implemented as self-balancing binary search trees holding index-value pairs, allowing equal-time access to any element. This enables efficient operations like swap, prefix, and append in logarithmic time.

Programming Language Support

Many programming languages provide built-in support for list data types, offering special syntax and semantics for list operations. Lists can often be constructed by writing items in sequence, separated by delimiters like parentheses, brackets, braces, or angle brackets. Some languages allow list types to be indexed or sliced like arrays. In type theory and functional programming, abstract lists are usually defined by two operations: nil, yielding the empty list, and cons, which adds an item at the beginning of a list.


Lists are versatile and find applications in various scenarios, including:

Abstract Definition

The abstract list type L with elements of some type E (a monomorphic list) is defined by the following functions:

with the axioms:

for any element e and any list l. It is implicit that:

Note that first(nil()) and rest(nil()) are not defined.

These axioms are equivalent to those of the abstract stack data type.

In type theory, the above definition is more simply regarded as an inductive type defined in terms of constructors: nil and cons. In algebraic terms, this can be represented as the transformation \(1 + E \times L \rightarrow L\). first and rest are then obtained by pattern matching on the cons constructor and separately handling the nil case.

The List Monad

The list type forms a monad with the following functions (using \(E^{*}\) rather than \(L\) to represent monomorphic lists with elements of type \(E\)):

where append is defined as:

l_2 if l_1 = nil
cons(a, append(l_1', l_2)) if l_1 = cons(a, l_1')

Alternatively, the monad may be defined in terms of operations return, fmap, and join, with:

Note that fmap, join, append, and bind are well-defined, as they're applied to progressively deeper arguments at each recursive call.

The list type is an additive monad, with nil as the monadic zero and append as the monadic sum.

Lists form a monoid under the append operation. The identity element of the monoid is the empty list, nil. In fact, this is the free monoid over the set of list elements.

] The abstraction provided by lists finds its place within the broader category of containers. Contrary to a set where each value is unique, a list acknowledges and preserves the distinctiveness of each occurrence of the same value. This distinction highlights the nuanced semantics associated with lists.

Advanced Operations

Beyond the fundamental operations of creating, checking emptiness, prepending, appending, accessing the head, and obtaining the tail, advanced operations offer heightened functionality. Operations like indexing allow for more granular access, providing enhanced flexibility to the user. In type theory and functional programming, abstract lists are often defined inductively using two fundamental operations: nil, representing the empty list, and cons, which appends an item at the beginning of a list. These operations serve as the building blocks for list construction and manipulation.

Programming Language Support

List data types are integral components of many programming languages, each offering syntactic sugar and specialized semantics. The flexibility of constructing lists varies, with some languages allowing indices or slices akin to arrays. The interplay of these features often blurs the line between lists and arrays.


Lists, due to their dynamic nature, find applications in scenarios requiring adaptability. Their ability to expand and shrink makes them invaluable in scenarios where traditional arrays fall short. Lists facilitate easier implementation compared to sets in certain computing scenarios, offering a balance between flexibility and efficiency.

Abstract Definition and Monadic Structure

The abstract list type, denoted as $L$ with elements of type $E$ (a monomorphic list), is defined by operations such as nil, cons, first, and rest. The axioms governing these operations ensure the foundational properties of lists. The list type forms a monad, providing a structured way to sequence computations. The monadic structure, with functions like return, bind, and append, captures the essence of list operations within a theoretical framework. This monadic approach aligns with functional programming paradigms.

why list

Lists, as a cornerstone of data structures, embody theoretical richness and practical versatility. Understanding their theoretical underpinnings, implementation nuances, and advanced operations enhances one's ability to leverage them effectively in diverse computational scenarios.

Tuples in Mathematics and Computer Science

Tuples, fundamental in mathematics and computer science, represent finite sequences or ordered lists of elements. This document explores the theoretical foundations, properties, and various definitions of tuples, delving into their significance in different contexts.

Definition and Notation

In mathematics, an $n$-tuple is an ordered list of $n$ elements, where $n$ is a non-negative integer. The notation commonly involves listing elements within parentheses, separated by commas and spaces, e.g., $(2,7,7,8,9,3,8)$ denotes a 7-tuple. The ()-tuple is the empty tuple. Tuples can also be surrounded by other symbols like square brackets or angle brackets.


Tuples exhibit distinct properties from sets. They allow multiple instances of the same element, and the order of elements in a tuple matters. Additionally, tuples have a finite number of elements, distinguishing them from sets or multisets, which can have an infinite number of elements.

Definitions and Etymology

Tuples can be defined in various ways, such as functions, sets of ordered pairs, or nested ordered pairs. The term "tuple" originated from Latin and evolved from the notions of singularity, duality, triplicity, etc. The unique ()-tuple is referred to as the null tuple.

Tuples as Functions

Tuples can be identified with functions, where a function $F$ with domain $\{1, \ldots, n\}$ and codomain $\{a_1, \ldots, a_n\}$ is represented as an $n$-tuple $(a_1, \ldots, a_n)$.

Tuples as Sets of Ordered Pairs

Functions can be identified with sets of ordered pairs. The function $F$ can be represented as $F = \{(1, a_1), \ldots, (n, a_n)\}$.

Tuples as Nested Ordered Pairs

Another modeling approach involves representing tuples as nested ordered pairs. The 0-tuple is the empty set, and an $n$-tuple is defined as an ordered pair of its first entry and an $(n-1)$-tuple.

Tuples as Nested Sets

Using Kuratowski's representation for ordered pairs, tuples can be expressed in terms of pure set theory, highlighting their nested structure.


Tuples serve as a foundational concept in mathematics and computer science, offering a versatile way to represent ordered sequences. Understanding their properties and various definitions enhances comprehension across different domains.

n-Tuples of m-Sets

In the realm of discrete mathematics, specifically within combinatorics and finite probability theory, n-tuples emerge as pivotal entities in diverse counting scenarios. Conceptually, they are treated as meticulously ordered lists of length n. When the elements of these n-tuples are drawn from a set of m elements, they are denoted as arrangements with repetition, permutations of a multiset, or, in some non-English literature, variations with repetition. The cardinality of the set of n-tuples derived from an m-set is represented as $m^n$, a direct consequence of the combinatorial rule of product. If $S$ stands as a finite set with a cardinality of m, then this cardinality aligns with that of the n-fold Cartesian power $S \times S \times \ldots \times S$. Tuples, in this context, serve as elements of this product set.

Type Theory

In the domain of type theory, widely employed in programming languages, a tuple is intricately linked with a product type. This association not only stipulates the length of the tuple but also explicitly specifies the underlying types of each component. Formally, given a tuple $(x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n)$, its type is articulated as $x_1 : \mathsf{T}_1 \times x_2 : \mathsf{T}_2 \times \ldots \times x_n : \mathsf{T}_n$. The projections function as term constructors, where $\pi_1(x) : \mathsf{T}_1$, $\pi_2(x) : \mathsf{T}_2$, and so forth.

The notion of a tuple with labeled elements, as employed in the relational model, aligns with a record type in type theory. Both tuple and record types can be systematically defined as natural extensions of the simply typed lambda calculus.

The interplay between the concept of a tuple in type theory and set theory is evident. Considering the natural model of type theory, using Scott brackets for semantic interpretation, the model comprises sets $S_1, S_2, \ldots, S_n$ such that $[\![\mathsf{T}_1]\!] = S_1, [\![\mathsf{T}_2]\!] = S_2, \ldots, [\![\mathsf{T}_n]\!] = S_n$. The interpretation of basic terms aligns accordingly, with $[\![x_1]\!] \in [\![\mathsf{T}_1]\!]$, $[\![x_2]\!] \in [\![\mathsf{T}_2]\!]$, and so on.

The n-tuple in type theory seamlessly corresponds to its counterpart in set theory. Notably, the unit type in type theory aligns with the 0-tuple in set theory.

Advanced Topics in Tuples and Type Theory

Higher-Order Tuples

In advanced mathematics, particularly in category theory and higher-order logic, tuples are generalized beyond the standard first-order notion. Instead of being limited to a fixed number of components, higher-order tuples can represent an arbitrary sequence of objects. These objects can be sets, functions, or even tuples of a lower order. A higher-order tuple is often denoted as $(X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n)$, where each $X_i$ can be any mathematical object. The key idea is that these tuples can be nested, allowing for a flexible and expressive way to represent complex structures. For instance, a second-order tuple might look like $((A, B), C, D)$.

Tuple Spaces in Quantum Computing

In quantum computing, the concept of tuples extends into the realm of quantum states and entanglement. Quantum tuples, often referred to as quples, represent a collection of quantum bits (qubits) that are entangled in such a way that the state of one qubit instantaneously influences the state of the others. The entanglement of quantum tuples allows for the creation of quantum systems with correlations that classical systems cannot emulate. This property is harnessed in quantum algorithms, where operations on one qubit in a tuple can impact the state of the entire tuple, enabling parallel computations and unique problem-solving capabilities.

Tuple Calculus in Database Theory

In the realm of database theory, tuple calculus provides a formal language for expressing queries on relational databases. It extends the relational algebra by introducing a calculus-based approach to query specification. Tuple calculus is a powerful tool for expressing complex queries involving multiple conditions and nested structures. It allows for the retrieval of information by specifying the properties that a desired tuple should possess. This advanced form of query language enables database theorists and practitioners to formulate intricate queries with precision.

Dependent Types and Tuple-Dependent Functions

Dependent types in type theory bring a new level of expressiveness to tuples and functions. In a dependently typed language, the type of an element can depend on the value of another element. This concept extends to tuples, where the type of a tuple can depend on the values of its components. Tuple-dependent functions, also known as dependent pair types, enable the creation of tuples where the type of the second component depends on the value of the first. This advanced feature in type theory contributes to more precise and fine-grained type specifications, reducing the potential for runtime errors in software development.

Tuple Fusion in Multilinear Algebra

Multilinear algebra introduces advanced concepts related to tensors and multilinear maps. Tuple fusion, a concept in multilinear algebra, deals with the combination of tuples through multilinear operations. In this context, tuples are not just passive containers but active participants in algebraic operations. Tuple fusion allows for the creation of more complex structures by combining the components of multiple tuples in a multilinear fashion. This advanced algebraic concept finds applications in areas such as physics and machine learning.


The study of tuples transcends traditional boundaries, reaching into various branches of advanced mathematics and computer science. From higher-order tuples in category theory to tuple spaces in quantum computing, and from tuple calculus in database theory to tuple-dependent functions in dependent type theory, the concept of tuples evolves and adapts to the requirements of advanced applications.

assosiative array

In computer science, an associative array, also known as a map, symbol table, or dictionary, represents an abstract data type designed to store a collection of (key, value) pairs, ensuring that each unique key appears at most once in the collection. In mathematical terms, an associative array functions as a finite domain. Its fundamental operations include 'lookup,' 'remove,' and 'insert.' The dictionary problem poses the challenge of crafting efficient data structures to implement associative arrays. The predominant solutions to this problem involve utilizing hash tables or search trees. Alternatively, directly addressed arrays, binary search trees, or other specialized structures may be employed in specific cases. Associative arrays find integration in many programming languages either as primitive data types or through software libraries. Additionally, content-addressable memory provides direct hardware-level support for associative arrays. These arrays serve diverse purposes, playing a fundamental role in programming patterns like memoization and the decorator pattern. It's crucial to note that the term "associative" in associative arrays doesn't originate from the mathematical associative property. Instead, it stems from the linkage of values with keys and should not be confused with associative processors. Within an associative array, the association between a key and its corresponding value is often referred to as a "mapping." The operations commonly associated with associative arrays include: Associative arrays may encompass additional operations, such as determining the number of mappings or constructing an iterator to iterate over all mappings. The order in which mappings are returned in such operations is typically implementation-defined. A multimap extends the functionality of an associative array by allowing multiple values to be associated with a single key. Conversely, a bidirectional map operates in both directions, necessitating each value to be associated with a unique key. A second lookup operation, taking a value as an argument, retrieves the key associated with that value. The operations of an associative array must adhere to various properties, including: \[
lookup(k, insert(j, v, D)) =
v, if k == j
lookup(k, D), otherwise

lookup(k, new()) = fail, where fail is an exception or default value
remove(k, insert(j, v, D)) =
remove(k, D), if k == j
insert(j, v, remove(k, D)), otherwise

remove(k, new()) = new(), where k and j are keys, v is a value, D is an associative array, and new() creates a new, empty associative array.

The associative array is realized using a structure that supports efficient key-based retrieval. In this implementation, a combination of arrays and linked lists is employed. Each key-value pair is stored in a node, and these nodes are organized into buckets based on a hash function applied to the keys. This enables quick access to the desired pair.



When inserting a new key-value pair, the hash function determines the appropriate bucket. If the bucket is empty, a new node is created for the pair. If the bucket already contains nodes, a linked list is traversed to ensure no existing key matches the new one. If a match is found, the value is updated; otherwise, a new node is appended to the linked list.


Retrieving a value associated with a key involves hashing the key to locate the corresponding bucket. If the bucket is non-empty, the linked list within is searched for the specified key. If found, the associated value is returned; otherwise, an indication of absence is returned.


Deleting a key-value pair entails locating the bucket using the hash function. If the bucket is not empty, the linked list is traversed to find and remove the specified key-value pair. If the key is not present, the data structure remains unchanged.

Collision Handling

Collisions, where distinct keys hash to the same bucket, are managed by employing a linked list for each bucket. This allows multiple key-value pairs to coexist within the same bucket, providing a mechanism to handle collisions gracefully.

Mathematical Representation

The mathematical representation involves defining the hash function and the data structure operations formally. Let $H(k)$ be the hash function for key $k$, mapping it to a bucket index. The insertion operation can be expressed as:

$\text{Insert}(k, v):$

  1. Compute $hashIndex = H(k)$
  2. If the bucket at $hashIndex$ is empty, create a new node with key $k$ and value $v$.
  3. Else, traverse the linked list in the bucket:
    1. If a node with key $k$ is found, update its value to $v$.
    2. Else, add a new node to the linked list with key $k$ and value $v$.

The retrieval and deletion operations follow a similar structure, involving the computation of the hash index and subsequent actions based on the state of the corresponding bucket.

These properties ensure the consistent and reliable behavior of operations within the associative array.

Multimaps: Advanced Concepts in Associative Arrays

## Introduction A multimap, also known as a multihash, multidict, or multidictionary, represents a sophisticated generalization of a map or associative array abstract data type. In this structure, more than one value may be associated with and returned for a given key. Both a map and a multimap are specific instances of containers, as exemplified in the C++ Standard Template Library containers. Often, the implementation of a multimap leverages a map with lists or sets as the map values. ## Examples ### Student Enrollment System Consider a student enrollment system, where students can be enrolled in multiple classes concurrently. In this scenario, each enrollment of a student in a course can be represented by an association. The key would be the student ID, and the value would be the course ID. If a student is enrolled in three courses simultaneously, three associations with the same key would exist. ### Book Index In the context of a book index, multiple references may be associated with a specific index term. This situation lends itself to a multimap structure, where index terms map to any number of reference locations or pages. This flexibility accommodates varying degrees of information associated with each index term. ### Web Form Querystrings In web development, query strings often have multiple values linked to a single field. This commonly occurs when a web form allows users to select multiple checkboxes or options in response to a single form element. The multimap structure proves useful in managing and extracting these diverse associations efficiently. ## Implementation The implementation of a multimap involves careful consideration of the underlying data structures. It is often realized as a map where each key is associated with a collection, such as a list or set, allowing multiple values to be stored for the same key. This versatility enables efficient handling of scenarios where a key may be linked to multiple entities. ## Use Cases ### Data Storage in Educational Systems Multimaps find practical applications in educational systems, particularly in managing student enrollments. The ability to associate a student with multiple courses simultaneously mirrors real-world scenarios where individuals engage in diverse educational pursuits. ### Complex Indexing in Literature In literature, the complexity of referencing in indices can be elegantly handled by multimaps. Multiple references to a single index term, often seen in extensive works, can be efficiently managed, providing readers with comprehensive information retrieval. ### Dynamic Web Form Processing Web developers leverage multimaps for processing dynamic web forms that allow multiple selections for a single field. This proves invaluable when dealing with diverse user inputs and ensures accurate data handling. ## Conclusion Multimaps represent a sophisticated evolution of associative arrays, offering a flexible and powerful mechanism for associating multiple values with a single key. Their applications span various domains, from education systems to literature and web development, showcasing their versatility and utility in addressing complex data association scenarios. Understanding the intricacies of multimaps is crucial for advanced data structure comprehension at the graduate level.

Set Operations in Computer Science

In computer science, a set is an abstract data type designed to store unique values without any specified order. It serves as a computational implementation of the mathematical concept of a finite set. Unlike many other collection types, which focus on retrieving specific elements, sets primarily facilitate membership tests, determining whether a given value belongs to the set.

Type Theory

In type theory, sets are often equated with their indicator function or characteristic function. A set of values of type $A$ may be denoted by $2^A$ or $\mathcal{P}(A)$. Subtypes and subsets may be modeled by refinement types, and quotient sets may be replaced by setoids. The characteristic function $F$ of a set $S$ is defined as:

$F(x) = \begin{cases} 1, & \text{if } x \in S \\ 0, & \text{if } x \notin S \end{cases}$

In theory, many other abstract data structures can be viewed as set structures with additional operations and/or additional axioms imposed on the standard operations. For example, an abstract heap can be viewed as a set structure with a $\text{min}(S)$ operation that returns the element of smallest value.

Core Set-Theoretical Operations

  1. union($S, T$): Returns the union of sets $S$ and $T$.
  2. intersection($S, T$): Returns the intersection of sets $S$ and $T$.
  3. difference($S, T$): Returns the difference of sets $S$ and $T$.
  4. subset($S, T$): A predicate that tests whether the set $S$ is a subset of set $T$.

Static Sets

  1. is_element_of($x, S$): Checks whether the value $x$ is in the set $S$.
  2. is_empty($S$): Checks whether the set $S$ is empty.
  3. size($S$) or cardinality($S$): Returns the number of elements in $S$.
  4. iterate($S$): Returns a function that returns one more value of $S$ at each call, in some arbitrary order.
  5. enumerate($S$): Returns a list containing the elements of $S$ in some arbitrary order.
  6. build($x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n$): Creates a set structure with values $x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n$.
  7. create_from($collection$): Creates a new set structure containing all the elements of the given collection or all the elements returned by the given iterator.

Dynamic Sets

Dynamic set structures typically add:

  1. create(): Creates a new, initially empty set structure.
  2. create_with_capacity($n$): Creates a new set structure, initially empty but capable of holding up to $n$ elements.
  3. add($S, x$): Adds the element $x$ to $S$, if it is not present already.
  4. remove($S, x$): Removes the element $x$ from $S$, if it is present.
  5. capacity($S$): Returns the maximum number of values that $S$ can hold.

Additional Operations

There are many other operations that can (in principle) be defined in terms of the above, such as:

  1. pop($S$): Returns an arbitrary element of $S$, deleting it from $S$.
  2. pick($S$): Returns an arbitrary element of $S$. Functionally, the mutator pop can be interpreted as the pair of selectors (pick, rest), where rest returns the set consisting of all elements except for the arbitrary element. Can be interpreted in terms of iterate.
  3. map($F, S$): Returns the set of distinct values resulting from applying function $F$ to each element of $S$.
  4. filter($P, S$): Returns the subset containing all elements of $S$ that satisfy a given predicate $P$.
  5. fold($A_0, F, S$): Returns the value $A|S|$ after applying $A_{i+1} := F(A_i, e)$ for each element $e$ of $S$, for some binary operation $F$. $F$ must be associative and commutative for this to be well-defined.
  6. clear($S$): Delete all elements of $S$.
  7. equal($S1', S2'$): Checks whether the two given sets are equal (i.e., contain all and only the same elements).
  8. hash($S$): Returns a hash value for the static set $S$ such that if equal($S1, S2$) then hash($S1$) = hash($S2$).

Other Operations

Other operations can be defined for sets with elements of a special type:

  1. sum($S$): Returns the sum of all elements of $S$ for some definition of "sum". For example, over integers or reals, it may be defined as fold($0, add, S$).
  2. collapse($S$): Given a set of sets, return the union. For example, collapse({{1}, {2, 3}}) == {1, 2, 3}. May be considered a kind of sum.
  3. flatten($S$): Given a set consisting of sets and atomic elements (elements that are not sets), returns a set whose elements are the atomic elements of the original top-level set or elements of the sets it contains. In other words, remove a level of nesting – like collapse, but allow atoms. This can be done a single time or recursively flattening to obtain a set of only atomic elements. For example, flatten({1, {2, 3}}) == {1, 2, 3}.
  4. nearest($S, x$): Returns the element of $S$ that is closest in value to $x$ (by some metric).
  5. min($S$), max($S$): Returns the minimum/maximum element of $S$.
Understanding the underlying operations and their implementations is essential for effectively utilizing set abstract data types in various computational scenarios.


A multiset, also known as a bag, is a generalization of the concept of a set, allowing for the presence of duplicate values. There are two interpretations: treating equal values as identical and counting them, or considering equal values as equivalent but distinct items. In computer science, objects can be deemed equal under one equivalence relation and distinct under another.

Formally, a multiset can be interpreted as a function from the input domain to non-negative integers, extending the concept of a set with its indicator function. Multisets can be implemented using hash tables or trees, each with different performance characteristics.

The set of all bags over type T is denoted as bag T. Some implementations store distinct equal objects separately, while others collapse them and maintain a count of their multiplicity.

In situations without a dedicated multiset data structure, one can use a regular set with an overridden equality predicate or an associative array mapping values to their integer multiplicities. However, the latter cannot distinguish between equal elements.

Typical Operations

The Abstract Data Type: Stack

The concept of a stack in computer science is a fundamental abstraction that plays a pivotal role in various algorithms and data structures. Let us delve into the intricacies of this abstract data type, exploring its underlying principles, operations, and applications.

A stack is defined as an ordered collection of elements where the primary operations are Push and Pop. The Push operation adds an element to the collection, while the Pop operation removes the most recently added element. Additionally, a Peek operation allows us to observe the top element without modifying the stack.

Mathematically, a stack adheres to the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle, where the last element added is the first to be removed. This ordering principle is analogous to a stack of physical objects, such as plates, where items are placed and retrieved from the top.

Let's formalize the operations:

Push Operation:

If S is a stack and x is an element to be pushed onto S , the Push operation can be defined as:

\[ S' = \text{Push}(S, x) \]

where S' is the updated stack after the push operation.

Pop Operation:

If S is a non-empty stack, the Pop operation can be expressed as:

\[ (x, S') = \text{Pop}(S) \]

where x is the element removed, and S' is the updated stack.

Peek Operation:

The Peek operation returns the top element without modifying the stack:

\[ x = \text{Peek}(S) \]

The Underlying Structure of a Stack

Now, let's consider the underlying structure of a stack. A stack is inherently a linear data structure with two ends: the top, where push and pop operations occur, and the fixed bottom. This structure aligns with the implementation of a stack using a singly linked list or a pointer to the top element. The fixed bottom ensures the stability of the stack's structure.

Moreover, a stack can be designed with a bounded capacity. In cases of a full stack where there is insufficient space for another element, a stack overflow occurs, representing a crucial aspect of stack management.

Beyond its abstract definition, a stack finds practical application in algorithms like depth-first search, where the LIFO nature of a stack facilitates an elegant and efficient exploration of paths in a graph.

In conclusion, the stack, with its well-defined operations and mathematical foundation, stands as a cornerstone in computer science, enabling elegant solutions in various algorithmic contexts. The formalization provided here, accompanied by precise mathematical expressions, aligns with the preference for a scholarly and detailed exploration of the topic.

Additional Stack Operations and Implementations

In many implementations, a stack encompasses operations beyond the essential "push" and "pop." An example is the "top of stack" or "peek" operation, which observes the top element without removing it. Although this can be decomposed into a "pop" followed by a "push" to return the same data, it is considered non-essential. Executing "stack top" or "pop" on an empty stack leads to an underflow condition. Additionally, implementations often include a check for an empty stack and an operation returning its size.

Software Stacks

Array Implementation

A stack can be implemented using an array, allowing only "pop" and "push" operations. Below is a detailed pseudocode for this implementation:

            structure stack:
                maxsize : integer
                top : integer
                items : array of item
            Procedure initialize(stk : stack, size : integer)
                stk.items = new array of size items, initially empty
                stk.maxsize = size
                stk.top = 0
            Procedure push(stk : stack, x : item)
                If (stk.top = stk.maxsize)
                    report overflow error
                    stk.items[stk.top] = x
                    stk.top = stk.top + 1
            Procedure pop(stk : stack)
                If (stk.top = 0)
                    report underflow error
                    stk.top = stk.top - 1
                    r = stk.items[stk.top]
                    return r

Linked List Implementation

An alternative is implementing stacks using a singly linked list. The stack is represented as a pointer to the "head" of the list, possibly with a counter for the size:

            structure frame:
                data : item
                next : frame or nil
            structure stack:
                head : frame or nil
                size : integer
            Procedure initialize(stk : stack)
                stk.head = nil
                stk.size = 0
            Procedure push(stk : stack, x : item)
                newhead = new frame
                newhead.data = x
                newhead.next = stk.head
                stk.head = newhead
                stk.size = stk.size + 1
            Procedure pop(stk : stack)
                If (stk.head = nil)
                    report underflow error
                    r = stk.head.data
                    stk.head = stk.head.next
                    stk.size = stk.size - 1
                    return r

Essential Stack Operations

Push Operation

The core operation of a stack, Push, involves adding an element to the collection. Mathematically, if \(S\) is a stack and \(x\) is an element, the push operation can be expressed as:

\[ S' = \text{Push}(S, x) \]

where \(S'\) is the updated stack after the push operation.

To formalize the push operation, we introduce the following pseudocode:

            Procedure Push(S : stack, x : item)
                If \(S.\text{top} = S.\text{maxsize}\)
                    report overflow error
                    \(S.\text{items}[S.\text{top}] \gets x\)
                    \(S.\text{top} \gets S.\text{top} + 1\)

The time complexity of the push operation is \(O(1)\), assuming constant-time arithmetic operations.

Pop Operation

The Pop operation removes the most recently added element from the stack. If \(S\) is a non-empty stack, the pop operation can be expressed as:

\[ (x, S') = \text{Pop}(S) \]

where \(x\) is the element removed, and \(S'\) is the updated stack.

The formalization of the pop operation is presented through the following pseudocode:

            Procedure Pop(S : stack)
                If \(S.\text{top} = 0\)
                    report underflow error
                    \(S.\text{top} \gets S.\text{top} - 1\)
                    \(r \gets S.\text{items}[S.\text{top}]\)
                    return \(r\)

Similar to the push operation, the time complexity of the pop operation is \(O(1)\) under the assumption of constant-time arithmetic operations.

Peek Operation

The Peek operation allows observing the top element without modifying the stack. Mathematically, for a stack \(S\), the peek operation is expressed as:

\[ x = \text{Peek}(S) \]

The implementation of the peek operation is straightforward:

            Function Peek(S : stack)
                return \(S.\text{items}[S.\text{top} - 1]\)

The time complexity of the peek operation is \(O(1)\), as it involves simple array access.

Stack Pointer and Memory Management

Stack pointers play a vital role in managing the memory of a stack. The stack pointer points to the most recently referenced location on the stack. As elements are added or removed, the stack pointer is adjusted accordingly.

Stack Growth and Memory Limits

Every stack has a fixed location in memory at its origin. As elements are added, the stack pointer is displaced to indicate the current extent of the stack, expanding away from the origin. Stack pointers may point to the origin or a limited range of addresses above or below the origin, depending on the stack's growth direction. If the stack pointer crosses the origin due to a pop operation, a stack underflow occurs. Similarly, if a push operation causes the stack pointer to exceed the maximum extent of the stack, a stack overflow occurs.

Additional Stack Operations

Beyond the basic push and pop operations, some environments provide additional stack operations:

Duplicate Operation

The duplicate operation involves popping the top item and pushing two copies of it onto the stack.

Peek Operation

The peek operation inspects or returns the topmost item without modifying the stack. This operation is also known as the top operation.

Swap or Exchange Operation

The swap operation exchanges the positions of the two topmost items on the stack.

Rotate Operation

The rotate operation moves the topmost items on the stack in a rotating fashion. Variants include left rotate and right rotate.

Memory Representation of Stacks

In computer memory, a stack is usually represented by a block of memory cells, with a fixed "bottom" and a stack pointer indicating the address of the current "top" cell. The push operation adjusts the stack pointer and copies the new top item to the stack area, while the pop operation removes the top item and updates the stack pointer.

Push and Pop Operations

Pushing an item onto the stack involves adjusting the stack pointer by the size of the item and copying the new top item to the stack area. Depending on the implementation, the stack pointer may point to the next unused location or the topmost item after a push operation. Popping the stack is the inverse of pushing, where the topmost item is removed, and the stack pointer is updated accordingly.

Stack in Main Memory

Various CPU designs, including CISC-type architectures like x86, utilize a dedicated register as the stack pointer. Specialized instructions such as call, return, push, and pop implicitly update this register, enhancing code density. RISC CPU designs, on the other hand, often lack dedicated stack instructions, allowing flexibility in using registers as needed.

Stack in Registers or Dedicated Memory

Some machines, especially stack machines, utilize a stack for arithmetic and logical operations. Operands are pushed onto the stack, and operations act on the top items, pushing results back onto the stack. This design, known as stack machines, was employed in mainframes and minicomputers like the Burroughs large systems and CISC HP 3000 machines. The x87 floating-point architecture is an example of registers organized as a stack, allowing direct access to individual registers relative to the current top.

Register Windows and Specialized Architectures

Architectures like Sun SPARC, AMD Am29000, and Intel i960 employ register windows within a register-stack strategy to avoid slow main memory usage for function arguments and return values. Additionally, some small microprocessors implement a stack directly in hardware, and certain microcontrollers have a fixed-depth stack that is not directly accessible.


In conclusion, this in-depth analysis provides a thorough understanding of stack operations and implementations. From the foundational push and pop operations to advanced concepts like stack pointers and additional stack manipulations, we've explored the intricacies of this vital data structure. Whether represented in main memory or utilizing dedicated registers, stacks play a crucial role in efficient memory management and computational processes.

Expression Evaluation and Syntax Parsing

In the realm of computational processes, stacks play a pivotal role in expression evaluation and syntax parsing. Calculators employing reverse Polish notation utilize a stack structure to hold values, showcasing the practicality of stacks in managing arithmetic expressions. Expressions can be represented in various notations such as prefix, postfix, or infix, and the conversion between these forms can be efficiently accomplished using a stack. Moreover, many compilers leverage stacks in the syntax parsing phase before translating high-level code into low-level representations. Most programming languages, being context-free languages, facilitate parsing with stack-based machines. This application underscores the versatility of stacks in facilitating the structured analysis of code syntax.


A fundamental application of stacks is found in backtracking algorithms. Consider the scenario of navigating a maze with multiple paths, a starting point, and a destination. When random paths are chosen, the ability to backtrack becomes essential after following an incorrect path. Stacks offer a solution by allowing the preservation of the last correct point. The correct point can be pushed onto the stack and popped in case of an incorrect path, providing a mechanism for efficient backtracking. The quintessential example of a backtracking algorithm is depth-first search, a method used to discover all vertices in a graph reachable from a specified starting vertex. Beyond maze navigation, backtracking finds applications in searching through solution spaces for optimization problems. Techniques like branch and bound employ backtracking searches without exhaustively exploring all potential solutions in a given space.

Compile-Time Memory Management

Compile-time memory management is a critical aspect of programming languages, and stacks play a vital role in this domain. The call stack, a common implementation, stores local data and call information for multiple levels of procedure calls. This stack grows downward from its origin, with a stack pointer indicating the current topmost datum. The push operation decrements the pointer and copies data to the stack, while the pop operation copies data from the stack and increments the pointer. Several programming languages, particularly stack-oriented ones, define basic operations in terms of stack manipulations. For instance, PostScript employs a return stack and an operand stack, emphasizing the pervasive role of stacks in language design. Virtual machines, including the p-code machine and the Java Virtual Machine, are also stack-oriented. Calling conventions in programming languages utilize a special stack, often referred to as the "call stack," to manage information about procedure/function calling and nesting. This stack facilitates the switch between the context of the called function and the restoration to the caller function upon completion. It follows a runtime protocol between the caller and callee to manage arguments and return values on the stack. Stacks are instrumental in supporting nested or recursive function calls. Some programming languages adopt a unified stack for both data and procedure calls, allocating space for local data items when a procedure is entered and deallocating when it exits. The C programming language is a notable example of this stack utilization. However, this approach has security implications, such as vulnerability to buffer overflow attacks, which programmers must be aware of to ensure the integrity and security of their programs. In conclusion, the multifaceted applications of stacks in expression evaluation, syntax parsing, backtracking, and compile-time memory management underscore their significance in the realm of computer science and programming.

Algorithms Utilizing Stacks

In various computational tasks, algorithms leverage a separate stack, distinct from the function call stack prevalent in most programming languages, as their primary data structure. These algorithms showcase the versatility and efficiency of stacks in organizing information. Some notable algorithms employing stacks include:

Graham Scan

The Graham scan algorithm addresses the problem of computing the convex hull of a two-dimensional set of points. Maintaining a convex hull subset in a stack, the algorithm efficiently identifies and eliminates concavities in the boundary when a new point is added to the hull. The stack structure proves instrumental in dynamically updating the convex hull as new points are processed.

SMAWK Algorithm

A component of the SMAWK algorithm, used for finding the row minima of a monotone matrix, employs stacks in a manner reminiscent of the Graham scan. Stacks play a crucial role in this context, aiding in the identification and removal of concavities in the matrix as part of the overall algorithmic process.

All Nearest Smaller Values

Addressing the problem of finding, for each number in an array, the closest preceding number that is smaller than it, algorithms often turn to stacks. One such algorithm employs a stack to maintain a collection of candidates for the nearest smaller value. As the algorithm processes each position in the array, the stack is strategically manipulated to identify and store the closest smaller value candidates.

Nearest-Neighbor Chain Algorithm

The nearest-neighbor chain algorithm is employed in agglomerative hierarchical clustering. This method relies on maintaining a stack of clusters, where each cluster is the nearest neighbor of its predecessor on the stack. When the algorithm identifies a pair of clusters that are mutual nearest neighbors, they are efficiently popped from the stack and merged. This stack-based approach facilitates the hierarchical clustering process. In these algorithms, the stack emerges as a fundamental data structure, offering an elegant and efficient means of organizing and manipulating information. The adaptability of stacks across various problem domains underscores their significance in algorithmic design and optimization.

Security Considerations in Stack Usage

While stacks serve as indispensable tools in programming and computational processes, their usage in certain computing environments may pose security risks. Programmers operating in such environments need to exercise caution to mitigate potential vulnerabilities.

Shared Stack for Data and Procedure Calls

In certain programming languages, a shared stack is employed to store both data local to a called procedure and the essential linking information that facilitates the procedure's return to its caller. This design choice entails that the program manipulates data within the same stack that houses critical return addresses for procedure calls. The consequences of improper stack manipulation can result in corrupted return information, leading to program failures.

Stack Smashing Attacks

One notable security threat arises in the form of stack smashing attacks. Malicious actors exploit implementations where data is moved into and out of the shared stack without proper length verification. If an oversized data item is transferred to a stack location that cannot accommodate it, or if data is erroneously placed on the stack, return addresses for procedure calls may become corrupted. In a stack smashing attack, an attacker provides oversized data input to a program that lacks proper input length verification. The program, without checking the length of the input, copies the entire data to a location on the stack. In doing so, the return addresses for calling procedures may be altered. The attacker aims to manipulate the return address of the current procedure, redirecting it to a specific area within the stack—contained within the data provided by the attacker. This manipulated area may contain instructions that execute unauthorized operations, compromising the security of the system.

Buffer Overflow and Compiler Practices

This type of attack is a variant of the buffer overflow attack, a frequent source of security breaches in software. Compilers that use a shared stack for both data and procedure calls, especially some of the widely used ones, contribute to the vulnerability. Additionally, if programmers neglect to implement code for verifying the size of data items, the likelihood of a security breach increases. Oversized or undersized data items copied to the stack without proper validation can lead to critical security vulnerabilities. In conclusion, programmers must exercise diligence in handling stack operations, especially in environments where stacks are shared for data and procedure calls. The careful verification of data item sizes and robust input validation mechanisms are crucial steps in fortifying software against stack-related security breaches.

Queues in Computer Science

In computer science, a queue stands as a fundamental data structure, serving as a collection of entities maintained in a sequential order. The dynamic nature of queues allows for the addition of entities at one end and the removal of entities from the other end. Conventionally, the end for adding elements is referred to as the back, tail, or rear, while the end for removal is termed the head or front, drawing an analogy to people waiting in line for goods or services.

Queue Operations

The operations defining a queue are essential to its functionality. Enqueue, the operation of adding an element to the rear of the queue, and dequeue, the operation of removing an element from the front, are fundamental. Additional operations may include peek or front operations, providing access to the next element to be dequeued without removing it. The nature of these operations characterizes a queue as a first-in-first-out (FIFO) data structure. The principle of FIFO ensures that the first element added to the queue is the first one to be removed, maintaining a sequential order. This aligns with the requirement that previously added elements must be removed before newer ones.

Linear Data Structure and Implementations

Queues are exemplary instances of linear data structures, or more abstractly, sequential collections. Implementations of queues commonly employ circular buffers and linked lists. Circular buffers, in particular, allow for dynamic addition and removal of elements without the need to move stored items within the array. Theoretical characteristics of queues include the absence of a specific capacity. Regardless of the number of elements present, a new element can always be added. Additionally, queues can be empty, making removal impossible until a new element is added.

Queue Services and Applications

Queues play pivotal roles in various domains such as computer science, transport, and operations research. They function as buffers, storing and holding entities—ranging from data and objects to persons or events—to be processed at a later stage. In computer science, queues find application in the implementation of breadth-first search algorithms, contributing to efficient exploration of graph structures.

Queue Implementation Strategies

Theoretical aspects of queue characteristics also delve into implementation strategies. Bounded queues, limited to a fixed number of items, provide a specified capacity. Various implementations of FIFO queues strive for efficiency, aiming for O(1) time complexity for enqueue and dequeue operations. Efficient implementations may utilize data structures such as linked lists. A doubly linked list with O(1) insertion and deletion at both ends naturally fits the queue structure. Alternatively, a regular singly linked list can be modified to efficiently implement a queue by maintaining pointers to both the first and last nodes.

Queues in Programming Languages

Queues may be implemented as a separate data type or considered a special case of a double-ended queue (deque). Some programming languages, like Perl and Ruby, offer flexibility in utilizing arrays for queue operations, allowing enqueue and dequeue operations through array manipulation. However, efficiency considerations may vary, and dedicated queue implementations or deque utilization might be preferred. In conclusion, queues, with their distinctive characteristics and versatile implementations, play a crucial role in various computational domains, contributing to efficient data processing and algorithmic exploration.

Purely Functional Implementation of Queues

Queues, a pivotal data structure in computer science, can also be implemented as purely functional data structures. There are two notable implementations, each with distinct characteristics.

Amortized Queue

The amortized queue employs two singly-linked lists, denoted as $f$ and $r$. $f$ holds the front part of the queue, while $r$ contains the remaining elements (the rear of the queue) in reverse order. Enqueueing involves adding a node at the head of $f$, and dequeueing, when $r$ is not empty, entails removing the node at the head of $r$. If $r$ is empty, $f$ is reversed and assigned to $r$, after which the head of $r$ is removed. Enqueue operations always take $O(1)$ time, while dequeue operations take $O(1)$ when $r$ is not empty. In the case of an empty $r$, the reversal takes $O(n)$ time, where $n$ is the number of elements in $f$. However, this is considered $O(1)$ amortized time, as each element in $f$ had to be inserted, and a constant cost can be assigned for each element in the reverse when it was inserted.

Real-time Queue

The real-time queue achieves $O(1)$ time for all operations without amortization. The data structure comprises three singly-linked lists $(f, r, s)$, where $f$ is the front of the queue, $r$ is the rear of the queue in reverse order, and $s$ represents the rear of $f$ without its initial elements. The queue maintains an invariant that $s$ equals the rear of $f$ without its first elements, i.e., $|s| = |f| - |r|$. An auxiliary function is employed to satisfy this invariant, considering two cases: when $s$ is an empty list or not. Lazy lists with memoization are required for this implementation. The real-time queue ensures $O(1)$ time for all operations, making it a complex yet efficient implementation compared to the amortized queue. In summary, purely functional implementations of queues offer different trade-offs between time complexity and implementation complexity, catering to specific requirements in functional programming paradigms.

Priority Queue in Computer Science

In computer science, a priority queue is an abstract data type similar to regular queue or stack structures, with a distinct characteristic – each element in a priority queue is associated with a priority. Elements with higher priority take precedence over those with lower priority during operations.

Conceptual Distinction from Heaps

Although priority queues are often implemented using heaps, they are conceptually distinct. A priority queue is an abstract data structure, much like a list or a map. Just as a list can be implemented with a linked list or an array, a priority queue can be implemented with a heap or alternative methods like an unordered array.

Basic Operations

A priority queue must support essential operations: Additionally, peek (also known as find-max or find-min) is a common operation that returns the highest-priority element without modifying the queue, typically executing in $O(1)$ time.

Advanced Operations

More sophisticated implementations may support operations like pull\_lowest\_priority\_element, inspecting the first few highest- or lowest-priority elements, clearing the queue, clearing subsets of the queue, batch insertion, merging multiple queues, incrementing the priority of any element, etc.

Relation to Stacks and Queues

Stacks and queues can be considered particular types of priority queues, where the priority is determined by the order of insertion. In a stack, the priority increases with each insertion, making the last element inserted the first retrieved. Conversely, in a queue, the priority decreases with each insertion, ensuring the first element inserted is the first retrieved.

Usual Implementation of Priority Queues

To enhance performance, priority queues are commonly implemented based on heaps, offering $O(\log n)$ performance for insertions and removals, and $O(n)$ for the initial heap construction from a set of $n$ elements. Variants like pairing heaps or Fibonacci heaps can provide improved bounds for specific operations. Alternatively, when employing a self-balancing binary search tree, insertions and removals also take $O(\log n)$ time. However, building trees from existing sequences of elements consumes $O(n \log n)$ time, which is common when access to these data structures is readily available, such as with third-party or standard libraries. From a space-complexity perspective, using a self-balancing binary search tree with linked lists requires more storage due to the need to store extra references to other nodes. In terms of computational complexity, priority queues share similarities with sorting algorithms. The following section explores the equivalence of priority queues and sorting algorithms, illustrating how efficient sorting algorithms can lead to efficient priority queues.

Specialized Heaps

There exist specialized heap data structures that either provide additional operations or outperform heap-based implementations for specific types of keys, particularly integer keys within the set {1, 2, ..., C}.

Monotone Priority Queues

Monotone priority queues are specialized for scenarios where no item is ever inserted with lower priority than any item previously extracted (in the case of a min-heap). This restriction aligns with several practical applications of priority queues.

Applications of Priority Queues

Bandwidth Management

Priority queuing finds application in bandwidth management, particularly in network routers. When faced with limited resources, such as insufficient bandwidth, priority queues can prioritize outgoing traffic. The highest priority queue is given precedence, ensuring minimal delays and reducing the likelihood of rejection due to queue capacity. This is crucial for real-time traffic like RTP streams in VoIP connections. Modern LAN protocols, such as IEEE 802.11e, incorporate priority queues at the MAC sub-layer to optimize latency for high-priority applications like VoIP and IPTV.

Discrete Event Simulation

In discrete event simulation, priority queues are utilized to manage events. Events are added to the queue with their simulation time serving as the priority. Simulation execution involves pulling the top of the queue and executing the corresponding event. This approach facilitates the ordered processing of events based on their simulation time.

Dijkstra's Algorithm

In the context of Dijkstra's algorithm for finding the shortest path in a graph, a priority queue is employed to efficiently extract the minimum. The priority is associated with the simulation time. Altering the priority of a vertex efficiently is crucial for the algorithm's effectiveness.

Huffman Coding

Huffman coding, which involves obtaining the two lowest-frequency trees repeatedly, can benefit from a priority queue. It enables the efficient extraction of low-frequency items and is instrumental in constructing Huffman codes.

Best-First Search Algorithms

Best-first search algorithms, like A*, leverage priority queues to explore the most promising routes first. The priority queue, often referred to as the fringe, maintains unexplored routes based on the estimate of the total path length. A* considers the lower bound of this estimate. For memory-constrained scenarios, variants like the SMA* algorithm, with a double-ended priority queue, allow removal of low-priority items.

ROAM Triangulation Algorithm

The ROAM (Real-time Optimally Adapting Meshes) algorithm dynamically computes a terrain's triangulation by splitting and merging triangles based on priority. Two priority queues, one for splitting and another for merging, help adapt the mesh in real-time, prioritizing areas that need more or less detail.

Prim's Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Tree

In Prim's algorithm for finding the minimum spanning tree of a connected and undirected graph, a min-heap priority queue is employed. This implementation uses the min heap data structure to manage vertices' priorities based on edge weights. Lower weights correspond to higher priorities, optimizing the algorithm's running time.

Parallel Priority Queue

Parallelization is applied to speed up priority queues, necessitating changes to the interface. Concurrent access by multiple processors or batch operations on multiple elements can enhance performance, especially when updates have logarithmic or constant time costs in a sequential context.

Concurrent Parallel Access in Priority Queues

If a priority queue supports concurrent access, multiple processes can operate concurrently on the queue, leading to two primary challenges. Firstly, defining the semantics of individual operations becomes non-trivial. For example, when two processes attempt to extract the element with the highest priority simultaneously, determining whether they should get the same or different elements poses a challenge. This limitation hinders parallelism at the program level and introduces contention issues.

Implementation with Skip List on CRCW PRAM Model

Concurrent Read, Concurrent Write (CRCW) PRAM model is employed for implementing concurrent access to a priority queue, using a skip list. This model ensures lock-free behavior through an atomic synchronization primitive, CAS (Compare-And-Swap). Nodes in the skip list include a unique key, a priority, an array of pointers for each level, and a delete mark to signal impending deletion. The process involves inserting a new element and extracting the minimum. Conflicts may arise during concurrent access, particularly when conflicting operations such as insertion and deletion occur simultaneously. Contention resolution is crucial to maintain the integrity of the priority queue.

K-Element Operations

In a shared-memory setting, priority queue operations are extended to handle a batch of k elements. For example, k\_extract-min deletes the k smallest elements, while k\_insert inserts a batch of elements. Parallel binary search trees and join-based tree algorithms facilitate efficient implementation. Theoretical and practical efficiency of these operations is explored in related research papers.

Distributed Memory Implementation

In a distributed memory setting, each processor has a local memory and a local priority queue. Elements of the global priority queue are distributed across processors. k\_extract-min involves collecting the smallest elements from each local queue into a result set, determining the global k smallest elements, and returning them. The running time is expected to be O\left(\frac{k}{p}\log(n)\right), where p is the number of processors and n is the size of the priority queue. This approach optimizes parallel access to priority queues, balancing performance considerations and maintaining consistency in the presence of concurrent operations.

Double-Ended Queue (Deque) in Computer Science

In computer science, a Double-Ended Queue (Deque) is an abstract data type that extends the functionality of a queue, allowing elements to be added to or removed from either the front (head) or back (tail). It is also referred to as a head-tail linked list, though this term specifically denotes a particular implementation of a deque.

Naming Conventions

The term "Deque" is often written as "dequeue," but the latter usage is generally deprecated in technical literature due to its potential confusion with the verb "dequeue," meaning "to remove from a queue." Despite this, some libraries and authors may use the "dequeue" spelling.

Distinctions and Sub-Types

Deques have two primary sub-types: Both queues and stacks, fundamental data structures in computing, can be viewed as specializations of deques and can be implemented using them.


Efficient implementations of deques can be achieved using either a modified dynamic array or a doubly linked list.

Dynamic Array Approach (Array Deques)

The dynamic array approach uses a variant of a dynamic array that can grow from both ends, known as array deques. Common implementations include storing deque contents in a circular buffer, allocating deque contents from the center of the underlying array, and storing contents in multiple smaller arrays.

Purely Functional Implementation

Double-ended queues can also be implemented as purely functional data structures. Two versions exist: real-time deques via lazy rebuilding and scheduling, and an implementation without laziness. The real-time deque allows for persistent operations in O(1) worst-case time but requires lazy lists with memoization.


In a doubly-linked list implementation, assuming no allocation/deallocation overhead, all deque operations have a time complexity of O(1). Random access by index, however, is O(n). In a growing array (amortized analysis), all deque operations have an amortized time complexity of O(1). Random access by index is O(1), but insertion or deletion in the middle is O(n).


Deques find applications in various scenarios: The work stealing algorithm, implemented using deques, is notably used by Intel's Threading Building Blocks (TBB) library for parallel programming.

Efficient Representation of Adjacency Sets

The time complexity of operations in the adjacency list representation can be enhanced by employing more efficient data structures for storing sets of adjacent vertices, such as hash tables or balanced binary search trees. Using hash tables leads to an amortized average time complexity of O(1) for testing adjacency between two given vertices and removing an edge, and an amortized average time complexity of O(deg(x)) to remove a vertex x of degree deg(x). Other operations' time complexity and asymptotic space requirements remain unchanged.

Graphs in Computer Science

In computer science, a graph is an abstract data type designed to implement the concepts of undirected and directed graphs from graph theory in mathematics. A graph data structure comprises a finite set of vertices (nodes or points) and a set of unordered pairs for an undirected graph or ordered pairs for a directed graph, known as edges (links or lines). Vertices may either be part of the graph structure or external entities represented by integer indices or references. Each edge may also have an associated value, such as a symbolic label or a numeric attribute (cost, capacity, length).


The basic operations provided by a graph data structure G typically include: For structures that associate values with edges, additional operations include:

Common Data Structures for Graph Representation

Adjacency List

Vertices are stored as records or objects, with each vertex maintaining a list of adjacent vertices. Additional data can be stored on vertices if edges are also stored as objects, allowing each vertex to store its incident edges and each edge to store its incident vertices.

Adjacency Matrix

A two-dimensional matrix where rows represent source vertices and columns represent destination vertices. Data on edges and vertices must be stored externally, and only the cost for one edge can be stored between each pair of vertices.

Incidence Matrix

A two-dimensional matrix where rows represent vertices and columns represent edges. Entries indicate the incidence relation between the vertex at a row and the edge at a column.

Parallel Representations

Parallelizing graph problems presents challenges related to data-driven computations, unstructured problems, poor locality, and a high data access to computation ratio.

Shared Memory

In a shared memory model, parallel graph representations remain the same as in the sequential case, as parallel read-only access to the graph representation (e.g., an adjacency list) is efficient in shared memory environments.

Distributed Memory

In the distributed memory model, the common approach involves partitioning the vertex set V of the graph into p sets V_0, \ldots, V_{p-1}, where p is the number of available processing elements (PE). Each PE then receives its own subgraph representation, and edges with an endpoint in another partition require special attention, involving communication during computation in distributed graph algorithms. Partitioning strategies include:

Compressed Representations

Graphs with trillions of edges, as encountered in machine learning and social network analysis, necessitate compressed graph representations to reduce I/O and memory requirements. General techniques like Huffman coding can be applied, and specific processing methods can be employed for the adjacency list or adjacency matrix to enhance efficiency.
function calculateStackAddresses(n, Poo, P0) {
  let nPrime = Math.ceil((n / 2) * 2) / 2;

  let BASE = [];
  let TOP = [];
  let OLDTOP = [];

  for (let i = 1; i <= nPrime; i++) {
    let baseOdd = Math.floor((i - 1) * (Poo - P0) / nPrime) + P0;
    BASE[2 * i - 1] = baseOdd;
    TOP[2 * i - 1] = baseOdd;
    OLDTOP[2 * i - 1] = baseOdd;

    let baseEven = Math.floor(i * (Poo - P0) / nPrime) + P0 + 1;
    BASE[2 * i] = baseEven;
    TOP[2 * i] = baseEven;
    OLDTOP[2 * i] = baseEven;

  return { BASE, TOP, OLDTOP };

// Example usage:
const n = 8;
const Poo = 100;
const P0 = 10;

const { BASE, TOP, OLDTOP } = calculateStackAddresses(n, Poo, P0);

console.log("BASE:", BASE);
console.log("TOP:", TOP);
console.log("OLDTOP:", OLDTOP);

function push(stackIndex, item, BASE, TOP, CONTENTS) {
    if (stackIndex % 2 !== 0) {
        if (TOP[stackIndex] > TOP[stackIndex + 1]) {
    } else {
        if (TOP[stackIndex] < TOP[stackIndex - 1]) {

    CONTENTS[TOP[stackIndex]] = item;

function pop(stackIndex, BASE, TOP, CONTENTS) {
  if (TOP[stackIndex] =BASE[stackIndex] ) {
  } else {
    let item = CONTENTS[TOP[stackIndex]];

    if (stackIndex % 2 !== 0) {
      TOP[stackIndex] = TOP[stackIndex] - 1;
    } else {
      TOP[stackIndex] = TOP[stackIndex] + 1;

    return item;

function underflow(stackIndex) {
  console.log(`Underflow in stack ${stackIndex}`);
  // Handle underflow as needed

// Example usage:
const BASE = [/* Populate with base addresses for each stack */];
const TOP = [/* Populate with top addresses for each stack */];
const CONTENTS = [/* Populate with initial contents of each stack */];

const stackIndex = 1; // Replace with the desired stack index

const poppedItem = pop(stackIndex, BASE, TOP, CONTENTS);
console.log("Popped Item:", poppedItem);

function Overflow(i) {
  let Sum = Poo - P0; // Sum equal to the total amount of memory space left
  let Inc = 0; // Inc equal to the total amount of increases in stack size since the last allocation
  let D = [];
  for (let j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
    if (j % 2 !== 0) {
      Sum = Sum- TOP[j] - BASE[j];
      if (TOP[j] > OLDTOP[j]) {
         D[j] = TOP[j] - OLDTOP[j];
        Inc = Inc+ D[j];
      } else {
         D[j] = 0;
    } else {
      Sum = Sum - TOP[j] - BASE[j];
      if (TOP[j] < OLDTOP[j]) {
         D[j] = OLDTOP[j] - TOP[j];
        Inc = Inc+ D[j];
      } else {
         D[j] = 0;

  if (Sum < 0) {

  let Ave = a * Math.floor(Sum/nprime);
  let Weight = b*Math.floor(Sum/Inc);

  let NEWBASE = [];
  NEWBASE[1] = BASE[1];
  NEWBASE[2 * nprime] = BASE[2 * nprime];
  let sigma = 0;

  for (let j = 1; j <= nprime - 1; j++) {
    let r = sigma + D[j - 1] * Weight + Ave;
    NEWBASE[2 * j] = NEWBASE[2 * j - 1] + (TOP[2 * j - 1] - BASE[2 * j - 1]) + r - floor(sigma) + (TOP[2 * j] - BASE[2 * j]) + 1;
    NEWBASE[2 * j + 1] = NEWBASE[2 * j] - 1;
    sigma = r;

  if (i % 2 !== 0) {
    TOP[i] = TOP[i] - 1;
  } else {
    TOP[i] = TOP[i] + 1;


  if (i % 2 !== 0) {
    TOP[i] = TOP[1] + 1;
  } else {
    TOP[i] = TOP[i] - 1;

  for (let j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
    OLDTOP[j] = TOP[j];

function Repack() {
  let j = 1;
  while (j <= n) {
    if (NEWBASE[j] < BASE[j]) {
      let delta = BASE[j] - NEWBASE[j];
      if (j % 2 !== 0) {
        for (let p = BASE[j] + 1; p <= TOP[j]; p++) {
          CONTENTS[p - delta] = CONTENTS[p];
      } else {
        for (let p = TOP[j]; p >= BASE[j] - 1; p--) {
          CONTENTS[p - delta] = CONTENTS[p];
      BASE[j] = NEWBASE[j];
      TOP[j] = TOP[j] - delta;

  while (j !== 1) {
    if (NEWBASE[j] > BASE[j]) {
      let delta = NEWBASE[j] - BASE[j];
      if (j % 2 !== 0) {
        for (let p = TOP[j]; p >= BASE[j] + 1; p--) {
          CONTENTS[p + delta] = CONTENTS[p];
      } else {
        for (let p = BASE[j] - 1; p >= TOP[j]; p--) {
          CONTENTS[p + delta] = CONTENTS[p];
      BASE[j] = NEWBASE[j];
      TOP[j] = TOP[j] + delta;

function Systemfail() {
  console.log("System failure due to lack of available space.");

// Example usage:
const n = 8;
const Poo = 100;
const P0 = 10;
const a = 1; // Replace with the actual value of 'a'

const BASE = []; // Populate with base addresses for each stack
const TOP = []; // Populate with top addresses for each stack
const CONTENTS = []; // Populate with initial contents of each stack
const OLDTOP = []; // Populate with old top addresses for each stack

const stackIndex = 1; // Replace with the desired stack index